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Real estate agencies in Litija

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Our company MIRAG INVEST D. O. O., is a registered enterprise on the territory of Slovenia. We have been successfully working since 1 September 1989 and offer our partners and clients with the following services:- real estate transactions.- accounting services and accounting. - auditing services. - financial services - investment activity. The staff of our company employs more than 30 professionals. We have all the necessary licenses and certificates and participate in various forums and seminars to enhance our skills. Currently, our employees and partners are qualified lawyers, professional licensed brokers, economists, accountants and competent consultants owning Slovenian, Russian, English and Italian. We follow our base of objects on offer and can guarantee you the relevance of the submitted proposals. We are ready to offer you a full range of services for search, purchase and registration of all types of real estate in Slovenia. Our offices are located in the capital of Slovenia and on the Adriatic coast.

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