SMART-INVEST IMMOBILIEN, the agency that deals with real estate, which operates in the Opatija Riviera County and beyond, and is located in office in center Opatija at Street Maršala Tita 75/1, across the street from the market in the first floor. Member of Croatia Chamber of Economy. Within the agency operates a team of more educated agents with professional exam for agent mediation in the purchase and sale of real estate at the Croatian Chamber of Economy, who follow customers of first contact, the presentation of real estate advice and to the transfer to the new owner. The agency has a legal department consisting of a team of lawyers that all clients who decide for cooperation with our agency provide all legal services, advice, and perform all legal affairs starting from library and property searches, making all legal acts (pre-contract, contract etc.), to surrender all necessary documents to tax and registration of ownership of the purchased property. Agency Smart-Invest Immobilien, with his team and the legal department ensures the safety of all clients in the process of buying and selling real estate. In addition to the intermediation, all in order to give you more complete service to our clients agency Smart Invest Immobilien mediate in the following services: • realization of loans at individual banks, • mediation in a rent and renting property, • assess the market value of real estate, • translation service with certified court interpreter for foreign languages, • service of transporting goods (furniture), delivery and storage of the same, • service of design services as well as architectural design and supervision of various objects and space, • providing legal advice, drafting of various documents (contracts, wills, statements, etc.), claims, complaints, suggestions, requests, applications and other submissions and any representation for our customers by a team of lawyers with whom we achieve continuous business cooperation, • service geodetic and cadastral services• advertising services on our website and Smart - Invest Immobilien ClassifiedsIn our database we are offering more than 17, 000 apartments, about 4, 000 houses, 3, 000 land, fewer apartments and commercial space, the number of which is every day more and more increasing, and a large number of luxury real estate (apartments, villas, houses, hotels, restaurants and land by the sea), especially in the coastal area of the Opatija Riviera, believing that for every potential buyer have the desired property. To expedite the sale of your property and we have a database of thousands of potential buyers. We are advertiseing abroad and foreign customers we provide a complete service. If you need any advice or legal opinion, please contact us. Our agents help provide services to the Croatian, English, Russian, Italian and German language. Regardless of whether you are thinking of buying or selling a property, choose an agency SMART-INVEST IMMOBLIEN, in which agents of their work, professionalism, courtesy and discretion and knowledge of the market do its best to satisfy the wants and needs of clients of their- Because your satisfaction is our goal-.